Utility Wildfire General Order

Project Subject
Utility Wildfire and Similar Operations and Maintenance Activities Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification and Waste Discharge Requirements General Order (Utility Wildfire General Order)

The State Water Board is requesting public comment on the draft Utility Wildfire General Order that would provide an expedited process for permit coverage of related utility activities and support essential wildfire prevention and mitigation activities. The Utility Wildfire General Order also proposes to cover similar activities that may be performed outside high-fire threat areas and/or unrelated to wildfire prevention. Pursuant to CEQA, the State Water Board is the Lead Agency and has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Utility Wildfire General Order.

Key Dates:

  • Public Comment Period – June 28 to August 30, 2024
  • Staff Workshop – July 23, 2024
  • Board Hearing – August 20, 2024

Document Links:

Notice of Preparation and CEQA Scoping – February 18, 2022: