SWAMP - SWAMP Aquatic Invasive Species
Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)
AIS threaten California’s waters and their beneficial uses. AIS may cause economic, environmental, and/or human health harm
- AIS can have negative impacts on water supplies (clogged pipes, increased transpiration), agriculture (reduced water flows…), fisheries (loss of species, disease…), ecological functions (altered hydrology…), waterways (choke and congested waters, undermine levees…) and more.
- AIS are plants, animals or disease agents that are not native to an ecosystem. (AIS are also known as, but not limited to: Exotic Species, Alien Species, Invasive Organisms, Noxious Species, Naturalized Species, and Non-indigenous Aquatic Species or Non-Native Species).
- Proper planning and decontamination techniques should be practiced by recreationists (boaters, sport fishers, hikers…), water professionals and aquatic scientists alike.
To protect California’s waters and their beneficial uses it is important that we all act in ways, which will prevent the introduction or spread of AIS. Persons active within surface waters may act as dispersants for certain AIS. It is important to prevent the transfer of AIS from one waterbody to another and to prevent the spread of AIS within a watershed.
Quick Links
- Aquatic Invasive Species: Issues Concerning Water Quality Monitors
Describes what Aquatic Invasive Species are, the harm they are causing, and some decontamination techniques.- VIDEO: Cleaning and Treating Water Quality Monitoring Field Gear for Freshwater Aquatic Invasive Species
- YouTube Video: Aquatic Invasive Species: Issues Concerning Water Quality Monitors
- Prevention Planning
- Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Planning (HACCP) - Reducing the risk of spreading invasive species in natural resource activity pathways.
- YouTube Video: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Planning (HACCP)
- PowerPoint Presentation: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Planning (HACCP)
- Widescale Prevention Measures
- AIS Queries and Reporting
- Decontamination
- California Agency Websites Dedicated to AIS
- Additional California Websites
- Federal Websites
- Non Governmental Organizations (NGO) Websites
- International Websites of Interest
- Other Websites of Interest